[ 32 hours per week ]
Are you passionate about creating learning opportunities for tamariki and rangatahi in the exciting areas of STEMM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Mātauranga Māori?
Tōnui Collab is a charitable trust with a mission to empower young people to experiment and explore the diversity of STEMM so that they might thrive, creating innovative learning experiences for young people through school and marae-based wānanga, after school and school holiday workshops. We also collaborate with other groups in the community to create STEMM learning opportunities for tamariki through to pakeke.
We are looking for a Lead STEMM Navigator to join our team, an enthusiastic kaihautū who can facilitate and lead STEMM kaupapa that inspire and engage primary, intermediate, and secondary aged students. Formal and Informal teaching experience valued.
We are looking for someone who is creative, reliable, flexible, proactive and positive. Your confidence in teaching i te reo Māori to support our tauira in Māori medium learning environments will enable us to address the barriers to accessing STEMM learning for some of our hapori. You will contribute to growing and strengthening our various kaupapa including Pā Hangarau and Kōhine Robotics.
If you’d like to know more about this role, take a look at our job description and drop Shanon an email on shanon@tonuicollab.com