TŌNUI Collab creates engaging STEMM* learning opportunities for tamariki and rangatahi across te Tairāwhiti. Our mission is to create opportunities for our young people to explore the diversity of STEMM* in an innovative and encouraging environment.
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, Mātauranga Māori.
We are reo rua STEMM specialists and our STEMM wānanga are taught in reo Māori and/or English.
Our wānanga use pūrākau (story) o Te Tairāwhiti as the foundation for STEMM exploration - this could look like exploring the pūrākau of the Horouta waka voyaging from Hawaiki to Turanganui-a-Kiwa while learning computational thinking concepts or retelling the pūrākau of Whirikoka and his adventures with the sea animals out at Mangataikapua through animation, it could look like rangatahi developing computer games that celebrate the life of Te Maro or recreating a virtual experience that is reflective of Maia Poroaki's journey.
STEMM exploration ranges from animation, chemistry, 3D modelling, robotics, electronic engineering, digital art, game development, graphic design, coding and computational thinking, augmented reality, virtual reality.
Our two-hour STEMM workshops, hosted at our purpose-built STEMM lab on the Mātai Research Campus at 466 Childers Road, cost $3 per child thanks to the funding support from the Ministry of Education as part of their Enriching Local Curriculum (ELC) initiative. Full day workshops by request.
Tōnui Collab's commitment to to addressing equitable access to STEMM learning for tauira across Te Tairāwhiti means that we strive to schedule STEMM workshops for all interested kura and schools in Te Tairāwhiti, this commitment to equity limits the opportunity for classes to have multiple visits per term. If you would like to discuss multiple visits, please reach out to our Administrator, Moana Kerr.
If you would like further support booking your class or school in for a STEMM Workshop, please contact us at .