TŌNUI Collab offers tamariki the opportunity to explore and learn, create and problem-solve as they experiment with a range of different STEMM tools.
Our FREE weekly after school STEMM Club runs every Tuesday, 3:30pm - 5pm from Tuesday 4 March - Tuesday 1 April.
Tamariki aged 7 - 13 years must be registered to attend our STEMM Club. Registrations are per term.
Tōnui Collab's after-school STEMM Club is based at Tōnui Collab (situated on the Mātai Research campus) 466 Childers Road.
Tōnui Collab is committed to creating equitable opportunities for rangatahi in Te Tairāwhiti to thrive .
There inequities that need to be addressed and our after-school STEMM Club is FREE so that the barriers to learning are reduced.
Contact us with any questions at